All psychoactive substances, such as alcohol, marijuana, and opiates, have the potential to cause both physical and psychological addiction. But what is psychological dependence? Psychological dependence requires treatment but does not result in your body developing a physical dependency on your substance of choice. Both physical and psychological dependencies can cause withdrawal symptoms and require the help of a Boise addiction treatment center to overcome them.
More than 1 out of every 7 Americans ages 12 and older meets the criteria for a substance abuse disorder, making addiction one of the country’s most common mental health problems. Unfortunately, while substance abuse disorders are relatively common, especially among teens and young adults, only 10% receive help. Because addiction is a chronic condition, completing a substance abuse program drastically improves your chances of recovering.
At Zelus Recovery, addiction treatment often involves co-occurring disorder treatment. This type of holistic approach to addiction helps to address and heal the underlying causes of addiction. If you or someone you care about may benefit from comprehensive care for addiction or psychological dependence, contact our Zelus Recovery team today by calling 208.518.0797 or completing our online form.
What Is Psychological Dependence?
Substances that can create psychological dependence include marijuana, cocaine, and heroin. Some psychoactive substances don’t cause physical dependency, but regular use can cause psychological dependency to occur.
So, what is psychological dependence? To fully understand psychological dependence, it is important to remember that psychological dependence can cause emotional withdrawal symptoms. While physical addictions cause somatic withdrawal symptoms such as aches, pains, and nausea, psychological dependence causes emotional withdrawal symptoms, such as:
- Anxiety
- Restlessness
- Insomnia
- Depression
- Agitation
- Cravings
If you are wondering what psychological dependence is, it is important to remember that any substance, even physically addictive ones, can cause psychological dependence. For example, opiates like OxyContin can result in both a physical and psychological addiction.